Plate 59

"A Cardinal"


Moriae Encomium

Illustrated by Hans Holbein the Younger




Single Greeting Card (with matching Envelope)

Code: H ME59 SGC
Price: US$5.00

Reproduction on 8x12" sheet

Code: H ME59 8x12
Price: US$30.00

Reproduction on 12x18" sheet

Code: H ME59 12x18
Price: US$60.00


Holbein's illustration shown in Plate 59 from Moriae Encomium is associated with the following text drawn from

John Wilson's 1668 translation:


In like manner cardinals, if they thought themselves the successors of the apostles, they would

likewise imagine that the same things the other did are required of them, and that they are not

lords but dispensers of spiritual things of which they must shortly give an exact account. But if

they also would a little philosophize on their habit and think with themselves what's the

meaning of their linen rochet, is it not a remarkable and singular integrity of life? What that

inner purple; is it not an earnest and fervent love of God? Or what that outward, whose loose

plaits and long train fall round his Reverence's mule and are large enough to cover a camel; is

it not charity that spreads itself so wide to the succor of all men? that is, to instruct, exhort,

comfort, reprehend, admonish, compose wars, resist wicked princes, and willingly expend not

only their wealth but their very lives for the flock of Christ: though yet what need at all of

wealth to them that supply the room of the poor apostles? These things, I say, did they but

duly consider, they would not be so ambitious of that dignity; or, if they were, they would

willingly leave it and live a laborious, careful life, such as was that of the ancient apostles. 



The associated French text from L'Eloge de la Folie (1728) follows:


Les vénerables Cardinaux se vantent d'être descendus en droit ligne de l'Apostolat. S'ils alloient

s'apostrpher ainsi: "Pourqoui ne fais-je donc pas ce que les Apôtres ont fait? Je ne suis pas le

maitre des graces spritiuelles; je n'en suis que le dispensateur, & je rendrai bein-tôt compte de

mon administration. Que veut dire ce Rochet d'une blancheur à éblouïr? Rien autre chose,

que la pureté des mœurs. que signifie cette Soutane de pourpre? Un ardent amour de Dieu.

Pourquoi cette Cappe de la même couleur, Cappe si ample, si large, si spacieuse, qu'ell

couvre même toute la Mule du Reverndissime, encore en reste-t-il pour couvrir tout à la fois

le Cardinal, sa Mule, & un Chameau? Ce grand & copieux étalage de parure marque un

charité étendue, & toujours prête à secourir, c'est à dire, à ensieigner, corriger, exhorter,

calmer la fureur des guerres, résister aux mauvais Princes, répandre aussi volontiers son sang,

que ses richesses, pour l'Eglise. Mais à quoi bon ces gros revenus? Ceux qui prétendent

représenter l'ancien College des Apôtres, ne devroient-ils pas imiter leur pauvreté"? Un

Cardinal qui feroit ces réflexions, ou rendroit bien vîte son Chapeau, ou meneroit une vie

laborieuse, austere, pleine de chagrin & d'anxieté; enfin, il vivroit en Apôtre.